Free Rental Appraisal
Maximizing the return on your investment.
Read More...Whether you need full property management, casual letting or crisis management, we've got you covered. We work with owners of properties throughout the Waikato to ensure that their property management needs are met. So what can we help with? Take a look at our services below.
Maximizing the return on your investment.
Read More...Reduce Stress, Hassle and Worry!
Read More...Save time, professional service.
Read More...We can help
Read More...Residential property management, crisis management and Casual letting (Time Permitting)
Give us a call and lets make a plan to meet.
Inspections are completed 13 weekly. We will do inspections more frequently to ensure the proper management of your property during times that we feel extra attention is needed. For example, if the tenant is struggling to maintain our standards we may inspect monthly and follow up with 14 days notices and re inspections.
We make payments to owners on the 1st & 15th (or next working day) of the month. Under certain circumstances we can make one off payments outside these dates, we are here to help, and we know that sometimes different situations require that little bit more strategy.
We have a strict policy on rent arrears which is a full page procedure in its most basic form but in a nutshell we text, call and visit tenants, apply to tenancy tribunal and complete evictions when necessary. Some Property managers accept arrears of 1-2 days weekly, we don’t! We reduce our rent arrears greatly simply by selecting the best tenants.
Yes, you can, and we encourage you to do so. We recommend that you do this annually avoiding the Christmas period, school holidays and public holidays. A property is often your biggest investment and one great thing about this kind of investment is that you can see it, so why not make the time.
Ideally, you should contact us a month before you intend to view the property as it will need to be an inspection and as we cannot inspect more frequently than monthly we need to make sure than any planned inspections during that time are postponed.
Very carefully! More often than not we will meet the tenants, the first impression is a good indicator as to what a person is like. We complete a tenancy tribunal check as soon as we receive the application. We will contact references, current landlords, previous landlords, employer, character referees, church pastors, real estate agents, anyone who can give us a good indication on how the prospective tenants will treat the property and pay the rent if selected. We will also check that the landlord references we are given are by the actual owners of the property and we complete credit checks. Tenant selection is extremely important, and we will not rent a property to someone if we are not completely confident that they will look after your property and pay their rent.